Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Once more up to the icy lights

Insanity is said to be repeating the same action over and over again...and expecting a different result. Well, I don't expect it to be any warmer in Churchill in 2014 than it was in 2013. So, as Sheldon says, "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested." But you might have a different opinion to which you are entitled.

I do know there will be six more weeks of beautiful nighttime auroras, interesting new people to meet and friends to meet anew, tons of dishes to wash, two long train rides of 43 hours each, fun times in Winnipeg staying at the Fort Garry, lots of butter tarts to eat, an 8mm fisheye lens to figure out, cribbage games to be lost but mostly won (thanks, Roger!), and who knows what else. But we will miss Lesya and Andrew as they frolic in sunny New Zealand.

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