Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bonus post - 4 second moonrise with aurora video

Playing with the camera doing a time lapse of the full moon + 1 day (full moon was Feb 14) which from the outdoor observation deck overlooks a frozen pond usually swept to bare ice by the winds. So I shot 122 pics at 10 second intervals - 1220 seconds = 20 minutes approx. Then using Timelapse Assembler, a free Mac program, the 122 pics were made into a 4 second video.

What was neat was that there was an aurora on the right hand side going on which I couldn't see but the camera did!

So here are the videos, one a MOV which is of better quality than the MP4. If you don't have a Mac and your Windows machine doesn't place MOV videos, I suggest you get VLC which is a gold standard for viewing all formats of videos and audios plus it is free. Here is the link - just make sure you are downloading for Windows or Mac as the case may be.

Also check out a still photo at Spaceweather using this link. I think it will work.

And here are the timelapses:

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